Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Price of Success (Texas A&M Credo)


I often wonder what brings one, more success in life and what it is that brings mediocrity or failure to his brother. Their difference cannot be in mental capacity; there is not the difference in our mentalities indicated by the difference in performance. In short, I have reached the conclusion that some men succeed because they cheerfully pay the Price of Success, and others, though they claim ambition and a desire to succeed, are unwilling to pay the price.

What is the price of success? It is simply…

To use all of your courage to force yourself to concentrate on the problem at hand, to think of it deeply and constantly, to study it from all angles, and to plan.

To have a high and sustained determination to put over what you plan to accomplish, not if circumstances be favorable to its accomplishment, but in spite of all adverse circumstances that may arise… and nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished without some obstacles to overcome.

To refuse to believe that there are any circumstances sufficiently strong to defeat you in the accomplishment of your purpose.

Hard?? I should say so! That’s why so many men never attempt to acquire success they answer the siren call of the rut, and remain on the beaten paths for beaten men. Nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved without constant endeavor, some pain, and constant application of the last ambition. That’s the Price of Success as I see it.

I believe every man should ask himself; am I willing to endure the pain of this struggle for the comforts and the rewards and the glory that go with achievement? Or shall I accept the uneasy and inadequate contentment that comes with mediocrity? Am I willing to pay the Price of Success?

Credo of Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas

Friday, January 2, 2009

12 Behaviors Every Coach Should Lead By

12 Behaviors COACH and Lead By
( Taken From Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey)

Behavior #1: Talk Straight. Communicate clearly so that you cannot be misunderstood. Preface your discussions by declaring your intent, so you leave no doubt about what you are thinking. Counterfeit behaviors include withholding information, flattery and spin. Be honest and call things what they are. Don’t manipulate people, distort facts or leave false impressions.

Behavior #2: Demonstrate Respect. This behavior is based on the principles of respect, fairness, kindness, love and civility. The opposite is commonly experienced as showing disrespect, which is a huge issue, both at work and at home. The counterfeit is to fake respect or concern, or, most insidious of all, to show respect and concern for only those who can do something for you.

Behavior #3: Create Transparency. Be real and genuine and tell the truth in a way that people can verify. The opposite is to obscure, and the counterfeit is illusion or pretending things are different than they are. You can establish trust quickly by being open and authentic, erring on the side of disclosure and not having hidden agendas.

Behavior #4: Right Wrongs. Make restitution instead of just apologizing. The opposite is to deny or justify wrongs because of ego and pride, and the counterfeit is to cover up mistakes. Apologize quickly, take action to make restitution when possible, and demonstrate personal humility to achieve this behavior.

Behavior #5: Show Loyalty. Give credit to others and speak about people as though they are present. The opposite is to take credit or not represent people fairly. The counterfeit is to appear to share credit but then downplay others’ contribution when they are away. To exhibit a trustworthy character, give credit freely, don’t badmouth people behind their backs and don’t disclose others’ private information.

.Behavior #6: Get Better. Continuously improve by learning, growing and renewing yourself. Others will develop confidence in your ability to succeed in a rapidly changing environment. The opposite is entropy and deterioration, while the counterfeit is the eternal student— always learning, but never producing. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes but learn from them. Develop formal and informal feedback systems and respond to them.

Behavior #7: Confront Reality. Take the tough issues head-on. This affects speed and cost by facilitating open interaction and fast achievement, and also allowing you to engage the creativity, capability and synergy of others in solving problems. When leaders use the opposite behavior by ignoring problems, they pay a huge tax when people feel they are being dishonest. It is far better to address the real issues and lead courageously in discussions of uncomfortable topics.

Behavior #8: Clarify Expectations. Create shared vision and agreement up front. The opposite is to leave undefined expectations and the counterfeit is to be vague about specifics.

Behavior #9: Practice Accountability. Hold yourself and others accountable. Leaders who generate trust do both. The opposite is not to take responsibility, and the counterfeit is to point fingers.

Behavior #10: Listen First. Genuinely understand another person’s thoughts and feelings, before trying to diagnose or advise. The opposite and counterfeit are to speak first and listen last, or not at all, and to pretend to listen while waiting for your own chance to speak.

Behavior #11: Keep Commitments. It is the quickest way to build trust in any relationship. The opposite is to break commitments and the counterfeit is to make vague, unreliable commitments, or never make them in the first place.

Behavior #12: Extend Trust. Shift trust from a noun to a verb.