Friday, February 1, 2008

How to build a "Leaders" Foundation

What I try to do with my players is to help them develop an understanding of their core values. Please note that I am talking about an understanding, not just awareness. I define Understanding in the following algorithm “Awareness + Action = Understanding”. To many times individuals are aware of things but never do anything to make a difference.

After core values are defined and understood, I work on clearly setting an expectation of success for the player. Too many times, a player gets carried away and stumbles due to un-needed pressures and expectations to perform. Dr. David Cook (Motivational Speaker) stated simply that “Performance = Potential – Interference”. So as a coach my Job is to focus on eliminating possible Interferences, one interference I see is a lack of Clear expectations of Success. John Wooden stated that "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” The power of this statement is that it put control back to the player. A player has no control over playing great, winning, making the great play, what they do have control over always are three essential keys : Work ethic, Attitude, and behavior. I always tell my players focus on Effort and not the result. Effort will always lead to the result.

After defining success in realistic terms I work on setting goals with the players utilizing the C.A.R. Analogy – Challenging, Attainable, and Realistic.

I know this process does not exactly define leadership, but hopefully it sets a foundation for it.