Saturday, February 2, 2008

Using Film Breakdown for Guard Reads

The default responsibility for the Linebacker is to read and react to the open offensive lineman to the LB's side of the field. Usually, this is a Guard but may be the Tackle in some alignments. If the offensive lineman recoils in pass protection, the LB steps back and to the outside a few steps offering pass coverage in the short "hook zone” or utilize pattern read responsibilities. If the OG blocks down, the LB slams down with his outside shoulder on the OT's inside shoulder and looks for the play inside. If the OG pulls to the other side of the line, the LB trails him over to the running lane and plugs the hole. If the OG pulls around the same end, one option has the LB trailing him and filling the lane outside the last down lineman. Another option is to crash the vacant hole the OG deserted. Film is a great tool to aid in the LB to get a better understanding of the proper reads. I like to sit with all four of my starters and watch our upcoming opponent play their previous game. I ask them questions when watching film such as:

Ø What splits does the OL have ?

Ø What pre play keys do they have ?

Ø What tendencies do they have?

Ø Do they run to the TE strength? Can we use this against them?

Ø Do they have high hats on pass? Do they run play action pass well?

After we watch our last game film and break down each players thought progression during each play. When reviewing film we will look for the following:

We run through their stance: depth is 3.5 - 4 yds off the ball.

Base alignment: is on the inside eye of the offensive tackle to their side.

Coaching points during film:

1. Make sure to play through the head of the blocker to the ball carrier. Never run around a block.

2. Maintain good angle of pursuit to the ball carrier. Be in position to make the tackle.

3. If your back key goes away (to the other side of the formation), think counter or reverse first. Check for counter, and then shuffle behind the los to the other side.

4. If the back goes away and the guard also pulls away (past the center) shuffle immediately to the other side of the ball to help make the play.

5. If keys show pass, lb drops to hook zone area directly in front of defensive end (still watching for screen). lb'ers never ordinarily get enough depth for this adjustment. keep an inside position giving end (or second receiver) only the sideline to cut to. if the receiver doesn't hook in this area and continues deep, the lb turns him over to one of the deep pass defenders. lb then looks to the inside for the crossing or delayed receiver and covers him.

6. On option play to your side, you are first responsible for the dive back. if QB takes the ball to the outside, you come off the dive back and support through the QB to the pitch back.

7. Keep your outside arm and leg free at all times